Easy Steps to Writing a Great Bio
Photo by Patrick Fore
Writing a great bio can feel daunting, but it’s simply a way to let people know:
· who you are
· what you do
The heart of your compelling bio is directly related to what work you do and where people will see this bio. As you build this bio, remember that you have a unique perspective, your career path is individual to you, and you use your downtime doing things that feed your soul. These are all interesting ways to introduce yourself in a bio.
First, understand why you need your bio. Is it for a speaking gig, will it go on your company’s team page, is it for a board website, or for one of your social media channels? You’ll be asked for a bio many times a year. Each bio should be crafted to meet the requirements of where it will land.
Next, decide what you like in a bio by looking at a handful of bios of people you admire and keep an eye out for similarities in content and length.
Consider this easy template for a great bio: I've been a _______ (your hobby or profession) for ___ (number) years. My specialty is _______. Simple, right?
Define the tone you want to set: whether it’s funny, warm, professional, or personal. And don’t worry if you don’t have a major accomplishment or accolade to tout. Trust that you’re an interesting person with a distinctive outlook. If you’re confident in that, others will be, too.
Focus on your relevance and expertise as it relates to the location the bio is going. Resist the temptation to fill your bio with a long list of unrelated interests and activities to highlight your well roundedness. A focused, succinct description will be both more readable and more compelling.
Sometimes writing about yourself and your skills can feel overwhelming. Ask friends or colleagues for insight on your strengths and talents. Or if you both need a bio, swap and write a bio for each another. Often, this task is easier to do for another than it is to do for yourself.
As in everything we do these days, make sure your bio isn’t static. Look for ways to keep it fresh—again, asking for help from friends and colleagues when you need to—and update it each time you need to submit it to a new place.