Shift Gathering: A Safe Space for Ambitious Women

Shift Gathering is a safe space for ambitious women. 

Ambition can look very different to every person. But at Shift, we welcome all ambitions, in varied forms. 

One Shift Gathering member might be chasing the C-Suite. Another might be trying stand-up comedy. A third might be working to build an online business. And a fourth might be making more quilts than last year.

Whatever your ambition, it is safe at Shift Gathering. We are all excited to hear about it. We are eager to find ways to help you reach your goals. We are thrilled to get a front-row seat. We will help you identify and scale obstacles. And will be the first to celebrate your wins. 

Sharing our own ambitious ideas is not always comfortable. We have our inner voices, outside negativity, and those who guffaw at our dreams. At Shift Gathering, we cradle one another’s ambitions with gentleness and we vibrate with excitement as these dreams take root. 

It has been my joy to watch women connect both online and face-to-face through the Shift Gathering platforms. I see friendships made, big ideas exchanged, and collaborations built.

There are a few things that we each can do to embrace our ambition and to encourage ambition in those around us. 

Be bold.
Think big. It always surprises me when I have a big idea, I share it with others, and they help me make it bigger and better. I love this. 

Step out with bravery.
Don’t avoid the things that scare you. Square up your shoulders and face them head-on. It is easier to do this when you know you are backed by a team of supportive women. 

Take credit for your ideas.
Learn how to speak up and get comfortable with all eyes on you. Your words are strong, your message is important even if your voice is quivering. 

Learn from others.
Watch the things that impress you about your peers. We can’t all be good at everything, but we can improve things about ourselves. Take note of the things another person does well and engage her in conversation. See if she has tips to help you improve a skill or reach a goal. 

Listen to the cheerleaders.
You may have naysayers in your life. These people may even love you but they are likely leading with fear. Outnumber those people by surrounding yourself with a flock of people who are cheering you on. 

Improve the self talk.
Change the self talk to positive messages. This step may need some help from a therapist or trusted friend. It will take practice but it can be done. 

Put fear in its place.
Fear can stop us in our tracks. Know that fear is a part of most peoples’ experience. So know that it is going to walk your path with you. Accept fear as part of the process but don’t let it control you. Take a deep breath and move.

Create a plan and know your next steps to move forward. You may not know all 100 of your next steps but you only need to know one or two to start moving. 

Ambition is important to many people, it is an integral part of who we are. And your ambitious ideas are safe at Shift Gathering. Come and be a part of this growing community. Know that we have saved a space for you. 


Ambition and the Caregiving Dilemma

